Hi, Just as a message, all WILDERNESS HIKERS INTERNATIONAL members,of all who are are 18 and Up of all Leaders, Scouts, and Scouters are Mandatory Reporters, which are Mandatory Reporters for all members especiall for Youth, for Neglect, Abuse, Harassments, Bullying, Other Crimes Commited in the WILDERNESS HIKERS INTERNATIONAL and as well Medical Emergencies and Other Emergencies such as an Active Shooter and Fires Etc., these incidents must be reported to your State, Country, Province, and or Country Property Territories of the country you reside in, in the event that A report must be filled out it also must be filled out not just to WILDERERNESS HIKERS INTERNATIONAL, but also to the Local Autherities, such as to the State/City/Twon/and or Village Police, and or Sherrif, and or as well Child Protective Service and or Adult Protective Services and or Department of Health and Human Services, and or other Social Services of your regienes or of your Country etc.,